NHBSA is located in Natrona Heights, PA 15065

Our field do not have a physical address. There are two options you have to:

The first address to use is:
1500 Pacific Ave
Natrona Heights PA 15065
The above address is the address to Highlands High School. The fields are directly BEHIND the high school and there is actually a gravel road that leads from the parking lot of the high school to the other parking lot of the fields. If you have a game on the schedule on field 4 you will be playing on the field closest to the high school so you may want to use this address!
The second address to use is
600 California Ave.
Natrona Heights PA 15065
This address will get you directly across the street from the entrance to the fields. The address will be on your right and the fields directly to your left. If you are listed as playing on fields 1, 2, or 3 you will want to use this address.
The parking lot by the fields tends to get extremely full if the lot by the fields is full as mentioned above there is a gravel road that leads from that lot to the one behind the high school. There is PLENTY of parking behind the high school so please use those lots! DO NOT PARK ALONG CALIFORNIA AVE. There are no parking signs the entire length of the street. DO NOT block any gates to the fields! This includes center field and left field on fields 1 and 2 (there are signs posted saying please do not block gate) Please be aware of possible foul ball zones along fences.

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Quote of the week

“People ask me what I do in the winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.”

~ Rogers Hornsby